Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de emulate

to emulateemular

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I emulateyo emulo
you emulatetú emulas
he emulatesél emula
she emulatesella emula
we emulatenosotros emulamos
you emulatevosotros emuláis
they emulateellos emulan
they emulateellas emulan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I emulatedyo emulé
you emulatedtú emulaste
he emulatedél emuló
she emulatedella emuló
we emulatednosotros emulamos
you emulatedvosotros emulasteis
they emulatedellos emularon
they emulatedellas emularon

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have emulatedyo he emulado
you have emulatedtú has emulado
he has emulatedél ha emulado
she has emulatedella ha emulado
we have emulatednosotros hemos emulado
you have emulatedvosotros habéis emulado
they have emulatedellos han emulado
they have emulatedellas han emulado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had emulatedyo había emulado
you had emulatedtú habías emulado
he had emulatedél había emulado
she had emulatedella había emulado
we had emulatednosotros habíamos emulado
you had emulatedvosotros habíais emulado
they had emulatedellos habían emulado
they had emulatedellas habían emulado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will emulateyo emularé
you will emulatetú emularás
he will emulateél emulará
she will emulateella emulará
we will emulatenosotros emularemos
you will emulatevosotros emularéis
they will emulateellos emularán
they will emulateellas emularán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have emulatedyo habré emulado
you will have emulatedtú habrás emulado
he will have emulatedél habrá emulado
she will have emulatedella habrá emulado
we will have emulatednosotros habremos emulado
you will have emulatedvosotros habréis emulado
they will have emulatedellos habrán emulado
they will have emulatedellas habrán emulado

I would emulateyo emularía
you would emulatetú emularías
he would emulateél emularía
she would emulateella emularía
we would emulatenosotros emularíamos
you would emulatevosotros emularíais
they would emulateellos emularían
they would emulateellas emularían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have emulatedyo habría emulado
you would have emulatedtú habrías emulado
he would have emulatedél habría emulado
she would have emulatedella habría emulado
we would have emulatednosotros habríamos emulado
you would have emulatedvosotros habríais emulado
they would have emulatedellos habrían emulado
they would have emulatedellas habrían emulado

Participio presenteAnotado
emulating emulando

Participio pasadoAnotado
emulated emulado

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